With the release of 2023.4, we added general performance improvements and new featuresĀ for the HR development path, event handlers, TMS Web, and more.

For more information about the features highlighted below, visit your MINT manual or see the 2023.4 features video.

HR Dev Path Initial Issue Date Preference

The feature:

  • Define the initial issue date of the first record item completed in the HR Dev Path

How you can use it:

This new resource record item preference (Used as HR Development Path Initial Issue Date) allows you to track more HR Dev Path data and report on that data in the ReportBuilder.

OAuth Action

The feature:

  • Obtain an access token from an OAuth authorization server

How you can use it:

We added two OAuth Authentication actions (server and client) that can obtain an access token from an OAuth authorization server, which can be utilized by other actions that need authentication (e.g. HTTP Request action). This allows for a more secure data transfer outside of MINT.

TMS Web Week-View Schedule

The feature:

  • View your TMS Web schedule a week at a time

How you can use it:

Viewing your TMS Schedule in week mode will allow you to see a more detailed view of your upcoming events.

See MINT in action