We’re excited to share some of our May MINT News with you! Read below to find out more. To receive monthly MINT news updates, subscribe to our newsletter.
Tip Tuesday: Search report properties & parameters

Tired of scrolling through report properties and parameters? Upgrade to v.2024.2 today to start searching through all available properties.
New release: version 2024.2

Announcing the release of MINT TMS 2024.2 Flare! Here are a few of the new features you can expect from this version:
- Scheduling improvements
- Updates to event handlers
- Expansion of importing functions
WATS 2024 recap

As always, we had a blast at WATS this year! Connecting with current and prospective customers just down the road from our Orlando offices is always a productive highlight. This year we were excited to unveil our new booth design with a beautiful background, an upgraded promo video, and brief on-demand previews of the robust features available in MINT TMS. Did you miss us at WATS? No worries! Click below to see all upcoming events MINT will attend.
Welcome Center Schleswig-Holstein

On May 27th, we welcomed Kristina Herbst, President of the State Parliament of Schleswig-Holstein, and Alexandra Hüßler, Head of the Welcome Center Schleswig-Holstein, to our headquarters in Kiel for an exchange of experiences.
The focus of Welcome Center Schleswig-Holstein is to increase the attractiveness and visibility of Germany’s northernmost federal state SchleswigHolstein, which is also the home of MINT, as a place to live and work and to provide international talents with the best possible support in the region.
Attracting, integrating, and retaining international specialists is the lifeblood of the continued growth of our company. MINT Software Systems currently employs 17 different nationalities at its Kiel site, and we are looking forward to the continued growth of our strong multicultural team